3-D Design and the power of visual persuasion 
This design project, centred around altering perceptions of cow hooves, was meticulously driven by research findings derived from a survey involving 20 respondents. The identified challenge of addressing the negative connotation associated with cow hooves led to the
strategic creation of three distinct products. Firstly, the concept of cow foot-inspired microwave meals aimed to blend cuteness with the promotion of the nutritional benefits of cow hooves. The second product, a soup packaged in cans resembling milk cans, leveraged the aesthetic appeal of an award-winning package design, emphasising cuteness and minimising intimidation through the use of a pink colour accent. The third product focused on cow foot stock cubes, featuring a unique triangular box design inspired by cow ears, departing from the conventional rectangular packaging seen in the market. The brown cow colour scheme and legible typography, complemented by a handwritten font, contribute to an approachable visual identity under the brand name "Bovine." The slogan, "Like Mamma Used to Make," strategically aligns with survey insights, tapping into the familiarity and comfort associated with maternal cooking to encourage openness to trying unconventional foods. The overall design rationale priorities both aesthetic appeal and effective communication to reshape perceptions of cow hooves.
Self made mockup on photoshop 
Package Design Nets (bleed, dyelines and folds)
Package Design